- Nandagokula Yuvaka Mandala, Kukkikatte, Udupi & Mangalore
Taxi service in Udupi helps you explore interesting places that you can reach with Katyayani Travels, which provides online taxi booking services with professional drivers. Cabs have been employed for transportation in Udupi because the city is surrounded by tourism attractions. As a consequence, Katyayani Travels key strategy for ensuring maximum customer satisfaction while renting a cab in Udupi is safety, comfort, and on-time arrival.
Katyayani Travels employs professional drivers who will accompany you on your journey. A skilled driver is crucial for a pleasant travel, and we take this very seriously. If your driver is familiar with the area and the itinerary, he can give you detailed directions on what to see, when to see it, and other pertinent information. We are very concerned about the knowledgeable driver because he is always helpful to the consumers.
Have memorable travel experiences with family or even plan a beautiful honeymoon by booking packages with us at lowest cost.
We provide customized tour Packages to any destination. Specialist in Coastal Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Goa and Maharastra.
Doorstep pickup & drop. Do away with the hassle of stepping out. Just call us for the Pickup and Drop service to get your cab at your doorstep.